We designed a set of messages to report information about security threats that are dangerous for the server. Imunify uses cPanel contact manager to send notifications about those threats. We hope you will find them helpful. This feature can be managed through CLI.
The CLI command to switch it on is:# imunify-antivirus config update '{"ADMIN_CONTACTS": {"enable_icontact_notifications": true}}'
And to switch it off:
# imunify-antivirus config update '{"ADMIN_CONTACTS": {"enable_icontact_notifications": false}}'
Should you want to adjust the notifications or redirect them to another email address/contact channel through the UI, please use WHM's Contact Manager
Or, you may use WHM API 1 to set up the preference for notification importance. The command, allowing this setting is:
whmapi1 set_application_contact_event_importance app=Imunify event=Generic importance=High
Where “importance” value can be set as: High, Medium, Low or Disabled.
In case you have any requests or need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team by creating a request via this support form.