Imunify360 Blog

WP Optimization Suite to Take Your Website Performance to a New Level

Written by Maria Medvedeva | Aug 30, 2021 2:32:19 PM

Security is critical to your business success, but performance is also important. Both security and performance are difficult to assess and build solutions for optimal results, so we developed the WP Optimization Suite to help ease the stress of speed configurations using caching and other system performance tools included with the CloudLinux OS Solo operating system. WP Optimization Suite is still in beta, but we’re releasing the beta to allow our users to experience the speed benefits before it’s released in a final version.


WordPress and Performance Issues

WordPress powers a large percentage of the internet, and the core application receives the updates regularly to ensure that it’s secure and runs at peak performance. However, most site owners don’t use the base code only. They install dozens of plugins and customize a theme installed from third parties. These third-party plugins and themes are what often slow down sites. Additional database queries and site assets must be rendered for viewers. If these queries and components aren’t coded for speed, the accumulation of resource-intensive server requests affects the customer experience.

To combat performance issues, site owners often try to configure WordPress on their own or ask for help from a web host. The wrong configurations can make speed issues even worse, so site owners just become more frustrated with web hosts and might blame their issues on the provider. Performance issues are some of the most difficult to troubleshoot, but solutions such as WP Optimization Suite can help make configurations much more simplified and effective.

What Does WP Optimization Suite Offer?

Instead of configuring the hosting application for better speed, WP Optimization Suite offers site owners a convenient way to leverage caching and monitor system health for any anomalies that could be the cause of performance degradation. WP Optimization Suite offers:

  • Automatically configure object storage
  • ​​Health check after turning the module ON
  • Memory limit customization

In the beta release, customers can experiment with the caching tool. Caching stores data in memory to speed up page responses, so when a page is requested no (or fewer) database queries are necessary to render page content. Nginx users will appreciate the ability to cache partial pages and pages where the user must be authenticated. This value adds more flexibility to an administrator’s caching configurations, and it can speed up pages that would otherwise be slower without caching options. 

Dynamic sites can take advantage the most of this new CloudLinux OS Solo tool. It’s beneficial for eCommerce, membership sites, discussion forums, and blogs with a highly active comment section. Sites with several dynamic pages will find that these pages will have a noticeable performance boost.


How You Can Try WP Optimization Suite

  • WP Optimization Suite included in CloudLinux OS Solo version and will be available for CloudLinux OS Shared PRO in a month after the beta release.
  •  If you already use Solo version, you get WP Optimization Suite by upgrading your OS to the latest version.
  •  If you use a regular CloudLinux Shared version, you can try it in a month in Shared PRO for free or buy it on our website. 
  • If you are not an existing customer, you can try out any CloudLinux OS license free for one month to test out the operating system and its performance optimization tools. 

The WP Optimization Suite feature is already included in the product price, so you experience no additional charges. You can find prices for all CloudLinux OS product versions here or leran more from CloudLinux OS Blog or Documentation. If you'll have any questions - don't hesitate to reach out via