Beta: ImunifyAV 4.3.6 updated

We are pleased to announce that the new updated ImunifyAV version 4.3.6 beta is now available.
- DEF-9770 - Fixed the bug with upgrading to version 4.3
- DEF-9762 - Added a config parameter that specifies the upper limit for the scanning file by Malware Scanner
- DEF-9763 - AI-BOLIT: Added separate CLI parameter for AI-BOLIT for cloud-assisted scan
- DEF-9792 - Uncaught exceptions should be logged
- DEF-9794 - init_actions should not be used for non-critical tasks
- DEF-9824 - Restrict DB table malware_scans in size/ update 125 migration
How to install
To install the new ImunifyAV version 4.3.6 beta, please run the commands:
bash --beta
To upgrade ImunifyAV on CentOS/CloudLinux systems, run the command:
yum update imunify-antivirus --enablerepo=imunify360-testing