Beta: ImunifyAV 4.4.1 updated

We are pleased to announce that the new updated ImunifyAV version 4.4.1 beta is now available.
- DEF-10311 - Error: bad character range 9-0 at position 84
- DEF-10328 - Suspicious files are not uploaded to IRMA (no uploaded events in the mrs_events table)
- DEF-10429 - Do not set umask during agent start on CentOS 6
- DEF-10431 - cPanel service manager restarts agent during migration
- DEF-10467 - Wrong symlink to malware_found.list on fresh install CentOS 6 cPanel
- DEF-10472 - Update text description in the UI
How to install
To install the new ImunifyAV version 4.4.1 beta, please run the commands:
bash --beta
To upgrade ImunifyAV on CentOS/CloudLinux systems, run the command:
yum update imunify-antivirus --enablerepo=imunify360-testing