Beta: ImunifyAV(+) 4.9 released

We’re pleased to announce that a new version of ImunifyAV, version 4.9, is now available. The following feature is new in the v4.9 beta release:
- Support for CentOS 8 and CloudLinux OS 8
The current platform versions of these operating systems are now supported in version 4.9.
Let’s check the details regarding the new feature:
Support for CentOS 8 and CloudLinux OS 8
Starting from version 4.9, ImunifyAV(+) supports the current versions of the operating systems and hosting panels below. It can be installed in the following environments:
- CentOS 8 with Plesk
- CentOS 8 with DirectAdmin
- CentOS 8 as stand-alone
- CloudLinux OS 8 with DirectAdmin
- CloudLinux OS 8 as stand-alone
The ImunifyAV(+) installation process remains the same.
Note: Extension of supported cPanel and Plesk environments is scheduled for future releases.
How to install
To install the new ImunifyAV(+) v.4.9 beta, please follow the installation instructions.
How to upgrade
CentOS/CloudLinux systems:
yum update imunify-antivirus --enablerepo=imunify360-testing
Ubuntu 16.04 systems:
echo 'deb xenial main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/imunify360-testing.list
apt-get update
apt-get install --only-upgrade imunify-antivirus
Ubuntu 18.04 systems:
echo 'deb bionic main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/imunify360-testing.list
apt-get update
apt-get install --only-upgrade imunify-antivirus
Additional information
ImunifyAV(+) v4.9 includes 13 tasks and 6 bug fixes.
Internal records
A list of bugfixes and other important issues:
DEF-7042: Hash in the DB does not match real file hash
DEF-11797: Rework AI-BOLIT reporting from json to csv
DEF-11268: KeyError: 'getpwuid(): uid not found: 100'
DEF-11718: Bypass scan by trailing space in file name
DEF-11839: On-demand scan removes previously detected malware hits
DEF-12001: Delete malware hits/scans older than 30 days
DEF-12319: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'process_message'
DEF-12352: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Stay in touch
Please give our product team feedback on this version 4.9 beta release, or share your ideas and feature requests via
If you encounter any problems with this beta release, please send a comment or request to our Imunify support team via