ImunifyAV 4.3 released

We are pleased to announce that the new updated ImunifyAV version 4.3 is now scheduled for gradual roll-out from our production repository and will be available for all customers in about two weeks or less.
If you want to upgrade to the new ImunifyAV version 4.3 right now, you can run the following commands:
Current release info
Version: 4.3.6-1
Rolled out to: 1%
Last updated: September 24, 2019 11 AM EST
How to install
To install the new ImunifyAV version 4.3, run the commands:
To upgrade ImunifyAV on CentOS/CloudLinux systems, run the command:
yum update imunify-antivirus
- DEF-7539: [Feature Request] date/time of the last scan of each account
- DEF-8625: [Feature Request] Report file as false-positive under the “Actions” menu in UI.
- DEF-7264: Re-design - 1st release
- DEF-8710: Add support for --with-suspicious flag and suspicious section in reports returned by ai-bolit
- DEF-9072: Remove ClamAV and hash filter vendors
- DEF-9075: Remove excessive code from MalwareScanner
- DEF-9131: Send to MRS files from suspicious section
- DEF-8405: Process send to MRS events
- DEF-8406: Process rescan events
- DEF-8645: Add ability to enable Cloud Assisted Scanning in Imunify360 and ImunifyAV
- DEF-8646: Cleanup of files blacklisted by hash
- DEF-8877: Create script/documentation to install latest version of Imunify by-passing gradual roll out
- DEF-6093: Add ClusterLogics backup backend
- DEF-6547: Review peewee in_() usage in agent project
- DEF-6715: Resolve expanded paths before scan
- DEF-7047: update sentry client in the agent
- DEF-7079: Bring back splashscreen to webshield
- DEF-7242: Re-design Imunify - toggles (mostly), checkboxes, radiobuttons
- DEF-8180: Dashboard - add malware chart (histogram)
- DEF-8203: Add malicious & suspicious files for rescan when using c/mtime
- DEF-8249: Clean /var/imunify360/tmp regularly
- DEF-8254: Default actions on malware detection (Cleanup / Restore from Backup)
- DEF-8431: Implement Native FM for AV/ AV+
- DEF-8457: No control panel ImunifyAV - PHP & Python to handle requests
- DEF-8478: [No control panel IM.AV] auth in agent (PAM) - add RPC method
- DEF-8514: Increase max sample size up to 8MB on Agent side
- DEF-8515: Create hook for license check (expiration/installation)
- DEF-8533: Add information to `doctor` output about agent's opened file descriptors
- DEF-8537: Separate defence360agent/files to AV and im360 parts
- DEF-8558: Remove dependencies on im360 package from send_server_config plugin
- DEF-8582: Last scanning date in scanning results
- DEF-8585: [No control panel IM.AV] create rpm & deb packages
- DEF-8587: [No control panel IM.AV] get list of users for agent
- DEF-8588: [No control panel IM.AV] update deploy script
- DEF-8611: Refactor accumulate plugin
- DEF-8623: update imav/im360 dependencies without breaking `yum update` on customer's hosts
- DEF-8701: Use webpack-manifest-plugin instead of Imunify version in query params for caching
- DEF-8709: Implement suspicious file detection for ai-bolit
- DEF-8711: remove CLAMAV & HashFilter
- DEF-8712: [No control panel IM.AV] hide file upload input and disable that method
- DEF-8719: Remove dependencies from AV package that not needed anymore
- DEF-8732: Get rid of cryptography dependency
- DEF-8743: Default actions on malware detection (Cleanup / Restore from Backup) - UI
- DEF-8794: Update news RSS link
- DEF-8798: Remove migration from the main process in Imunify-AV
- DEF-8839: "Scan only modified files" setting - Agent
- DEF-8842: Rapid scan integration in the agent
- DEF-8879: Check how files downloading framework affects memory usage
- DEF-8893: Remove aiohttp dependency from AV
- DEF-8933: [No control panel IM.AV] auth - integrate login RPC method in UI
- DEF-8934: [No control panel IM.AV] add method for reading integration.conf
- DEF-8935: [No control panel IM.AV] UI e2e tests - run current e2e tests on no-cp IM.AV
- DEF-8959: [No control panel IM.AV] e2e tests - cover integration points with e2e tests
- DEF-8966: Do not send to sentry such errors [Errno 2] No such file or directory
- DEF-8986: [No control panel IM.AV] UI e2e tests - fix failing tests
- DEF-9002: Fix misprint in tmpwatch command
- DEF-9021: [No control panel IM.AV] fix upgrade page and cover it with tests
- DEF-9057: [No control panel IM.AV] optimize agent memory comsumption on cpanel
- DEF-9058: Dashboard improvements for 4.3
- DEF-9060: Add parameter to log to stdout
- DEF-9071: [No control panel IM.AV] display current user name
- DEF-9085: Create an RPM-test to check integration with ai-bolit suspicious file detection
- DEF-9087: [AI-BOLIT] Signature format of the binary/blacklisted file should be BL-crc
- DEF-9101: Make change due to procu2 signature change of blackisted files
- DEF-9103: [No control panel IM.AV] add root-only "login get" RPC method
- DEF-9104: Rapid scan integration in UI
- DEF-9162: Disable autocleanup when AV+ unregistered/expired
- DEF-9219: Disable ftp integration for upload scan if inotify enabled
- DEF-9275: Completely remove ClamAV from UI
- DEF-9341: Use PHP 7.3 for AI-BOLIT 4.1
- DEF-9373: [AI-BOLIT] Some malicious files with randomly generated names are not detected
- DEF-9402: Re-design Imunify - pick checkboxes, radio buttons and switchers from re-design branch to 4.3
- DEF-9404: Enable Cloud Assisted Scan by default
- DEF-9762: Added a config parameter that specifies the upper limit for the scanning file by Malware Scanner
- DEF-9763: AI-BOLIT: Added separate CLI parameter for AI-BOLIT for cloud-assisted scan
- DEF-9792: Uncaught exceptions should be logged
- DEF-9794: init_actions should not be used for non-critical tasks
- DEF-9824: Restrict DB table malware_scans in size/ update 125 migration
- DEF-7857: eula is constantly downloaded from server in AV
- DEF-8018: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/sudoers'
- DEF-8177: Cleanup of >1000 files freezes the agent
- DEF-8298: No progress tracking during AI-BOLIT scan
- DEF-8504: Reading of non-existent malware file causes a 'quarantine error' message
- DEF-8569: Change malware found list location
- DEF-8784: 'weekly' is not one of ['monthlyByDaysOfMonth']
- DEF-8907: Fix "near "?": syntax error" in malware user list
- DEF-8927: fix iteration on subprocess out put
- DEF-8968: Check schema validation
- DEF-8999: Lock on-demand page until data is loaded
- DEF-9217: Fix migration 122_cagefs_unmount which has never run
- DEF-9238: [Response validation] fix "None is not of type 'string'"
- DEF-9255: [Response validation] None is not of type 'boolean'
- DEF-9287: Fix plugin icon in DA Evolution skin, "icons grid" layout
- DEF-9379: Allow enduser to set default_action=CLEANUP
- DEF-9432: [AI-BOLIT] eicar isn't detected in 4.1.1-2
- DEF-9554: Migration failed: 128_move_cleanup_storage_files
- DEF-9558: TypeError: argument should be a path or str object
- DEF-9554: Migration failed: 128_move_cleanup_storage_files
- DEF-9583: AI-BOLIT: RapidScan cannot create stuff related to
- DEF-9619: Enable rapid scan in RPM tests
- DEF-9640: [Sentry, Response validation] None is not of type 'string'
- DEF-9593: fixed broken `malware on-demand status` - `progress`
- DEF-9575: support send cannot read zendesk answer
- DEF-9632: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'true_path'
- DEF-9611: ImunifyAV stops reporting stats / pings
- DEF-9700 - Cleanup 2 users at once - results disappear
- DEF-9770 - Fixed the bug with upgrading to version 4.3