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Tag: advice

An Analysis of WordPress Malware

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When it comes to building and managing professional-quality web sites, content management systems have become the default way to do that. WordPress is by far the most popular CMS: it’s used to build and manage around six out of every 10 sites.

The popularity of WordPress makes it a prime target for hackers. In one of our regular investigations, we recently encountered a particular strain of malware that targeted it. Here’s an analysis of that malware that we’d like to pass on to sysadmins.

How to stop doorway pages damaging your domain's reputation

doorway pages seo Imunify360

Doorway pages are a great way to improve a website’s SEO ranking.

They’re also a great way to get your domain blocked by major search engines.

So why are they still prevalent? How do they work, and why should you care if your web server hosts them?

That’s what I’ll cover in this article.

The Imunify360 ‘Blamer’ Brings Smarter Server Security

My team tries hard to make sure Imunify360 keeps your Linux web servers safe from cyber attack. We think Imunify360 gives you the best antivirus and anti-malware protection against infection, and the simplest and quickest way of cleaning it up.

Configuring Malware Scanner with 3 new settings


We’ve released Imunify360 4.3 to production and now it’s time to boost your Malware Scanner performance using new features and options.

How to run ImunifyAV in stand-alone mode on a Linux server


Prior to version 4.3, ImunifyAV supported cPanel and DirectAdmin panels only. Starting from v4.3, ImunifyAV could be run on any CloudLinux OS, CentoOS 6/7 and RHEL 6/7 systems that have a required set of prerequisites. It doesn’t require any hosting panel installed, and can be run with any panel, as the UI is implemented using the Single Page Application paradigm.

Enhanced IP Blacklist / Whitelist Management comes to Imunify360 v4.3


Many of you asked for an easier way to manage black- and white-listed IPs. It’s here.

Imunify360 version 4.3 brings a new way for administrators to manage white and black-listed IPs. They can now also be specified in files, making it easy to move, share, or replicate them (for example, by cloning). The process is simple:

  1. Put white-listed IPs, one per line, in a plain text file in /etc/imunify360/whitelist/
  2. Do the same for black-listed IPs and put them in a file in /etc/imunify360/blacklist/
  3. Run this command to restart the agent and load the lists:
    imunify360-agent reload-lists

Imunify360 Keeps Servers Clean By Default


Imunify360 v4.3 has a wider choice of default actions for the malware scanner. Here, we explain what they are.

In Imunify360 version 4.3 we’ve added two additional choices to the Default action on detect menu in the malware scanner. They are Cleanup and Cleanup & Quarantine (as a fallback)

Imunify360 4.3: Be a Blamer Beta-tester


Our 'Blamer' component knows how malware got in. We need testers for it.

The Blamer component in Imunify360 4.3 identifies the source of PHP server infections.

Imunify360 Malware RapidScan: Feel the Need, the Need for Speed


The release of Imunify360 v4.3 brings RapidScan, a feature to improve scanning speeds by as much as 1000%.

We're making anti-malware and antivirus scans faster with RapidScan, a new scanning option for Imunify360. Keep on reading to discover the full power and speed of linux malware scanner for web servers.

Introduction to Imunify Hooks


Hooks are a new addition to our flagship cybersecurity product Imunify360. For example, you might want to automatically notify a user or suspend a web hosting account if Imunify360 detects malware in the account’s file system.

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